Commands and references ( GNU / linux kernel 2.4.18-3 and
2.4.18-14 )
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds The commands with their most common usage are in brackets like this: [ command ]. Don't type the brackets, just what is inside of them. Back to the index page |
samba Encrypted passwords. Create /etc/smbpasswd. Make sure < encrypt passwd > and < samba password file > are uncommented in smb.conf [ mount -t smbfs -o username=jdoe,password=jdoepasswrd //ada/jdoe /mnt/test ] the above command will allow you ( as root ) to mount an smb share named jdoe on the linux samba server named ada from a machine running linux. As root you will need to know jdoe's password and user name and you will want to make the directory /mnt/test before you attempt to mount the share on it. You must have samba running and the shares configured or this won't work. This was done on a network without dhcp. For this example the server has kernel 2.4.2-2 ( RedHat 7.1 ) and the other machine has both GNU/Linux. Mount win98 or win95 shared resource from linux [ smbmount //ada/ada_c /mnt/ada_c ] where ada is the name of the windows computer and ada_c is the name of the windows drive share. /mnt/ada_c is the name of the directory you create on your linux machine. The resource must be shared at the winbox and the winbox must be configured for networking. [ smbclient \\\\ada\\ada_c ] gets you to a password prompt for the share. Then you will get smb: \ if you typed the correct password. On win2k be sure your share includes the name of your workgroup. Keep it the same as in the samba flle. On the win2k share put workgroup < mygrp > as one of the authorized users in your smb.conf file list the workgroup as < mygrp > and put the ip of your win2k host in your /etc/hosts file. [ smbclient -L ada ] gets you to password prompt then a listing of all shares on ada To make a share work. You must create the directories in your system exactly as they are described in the smb.conf file.then set ownership of the directory with the chown command to make ait visible to owner only.at the command prompt you could type [ chown someone /usr/ someone/shared ] this makes the directory shared only visible to someone. |
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