Web Site Design. Networks.
Perpetual PC's is the trade name of Enlight, Inc. . As of
January 2016, our focus is technical consulting. For more information
please see our main website.
Specializing in:
Web Page Design
Individual Web Pages
Network Systems
Perpetual PC's is brought to life on the web by Sally and Dave ,
both long-time Washington state residents. Sally has 30 years
of experience working things out between people and computers.
Dave has 30 plus years of technical experience in electronics
and has been working with computers and programming for fifteen
years. In their spare time this team enjoys the outdoors and
preserving what little there is left of
Washington State's irreplaceable natural beauty.
Dave's personal website can be found here
The World Wide Web and information technology in general have
almost limitless capabilities to make life much better for all
persons. How we use this fantastic resource is up to us. Our
part in all this is to make it available to as many persons as
possible , as reflected in our mission statement.
On many of the pages of this website you will see the W3C image.
This is a link to the W3C markup validator site.
Links | Puget
Sound Business Directory |
Web page samples |
Network Information |
Website Design | Repair |
About Perpetual PC's | Contact Us |
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